インテリジェント施工システムのための施工技術の開発 - 第二報:建設機械の走破性判定,転倒回避,任意視点映像生成,動作認識に関する研究 -


This paper introduces a research example in the Social Cooperation Program “Intelligent Construc- tion System” organized by the University of Tokyo and Fujita Corporation. This includes trafficability judgement of construction machines at landslide disaster sites, tumble avoidance of construction machines while driving, and generate free viewpoint images when working with multiple construction machines for disaster response. In addition, this includes action recognition of construction machine to quantitatively assess work efficiency for general earthwork.

日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2022講演論文集, 1P1-B09