インテリジェント施工システムのための施工技術の開発 第一報:無人建機の知能化に向けた環境計測及び遠隔操作性の向上


When a natural disaster occurs, investigation and restoration are necessary to prevent damage spread. However, disaster scenarios always have a risk of secondary disasters, making it difficult to send in human for a response. In such situations, it is common to use unmanned construction machines. Moreover, recently, intelligent construction machines are required for efficient unmanned construction. Therefore, in the authors of this paper have tried to realize an intelligent construction system. This paper introduces the research and development conducted with regards to this intelligent construction system. This includes map generation by a drone, visualization for remote operation, and tumble avoidance.

日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2019講演論文集, 1P2-D03